I'm back! At last! Finally connected to the world! But first things first, Happy New Year & may all your wishes and most secret desires become reality in 2006!
Secondly, please forgive me for my very long silence, but we have had some problems with our German Internet provider and just finally got our connection working.
As for my new life here in Germany, I don't really know where to start... I go to class and don't miss working. I have changed language schools after two weeks and now only study three days per week and find myself enjoying my new found free time in doing a million new things, or simply nothing at all. I actually enjoy walking up the stairs to our fourth floor flat. I wake up at dawn and am in bed by 11pm. I don't even consider the idea of going out during the week. I walk everywhere and enjoy it in spite of the awful cold. I wear sneakers and jeans every day and M tells me I look like a twenty year old. I don't read as much but watch lots of German television. I love our new home. I ponder the project of starting to paint again. I don't think about my future professional career, yet. I feel very relaxed and happy. Coming here was definitely the right decision.