It's been 2 years today. Two years since M and I have been together. Two years of laughs, tears, surprises, trips, but most of all two years of love, caring, and companionship. I can honestly say that we evolved together, in the same direction, and that we are closer now than we ever were. Many would say (and have done so) that living apart as we do makes things easier. I could not disagree more. It might have made things easier in the beginning, as we were slowly building up our relationship and learning to be together. But at some point it started making things much harder. It's hard to let him leave when all I want is to spend every minute with him. It's hard to only be able to hear his voice on the phone, when all I want is to feel his arms around me. Harder not to be able to hug him when he's feeling low. Not to mention how expensive it all is, between the monthly flights and the phone bills. I reckon that when we are able to surpass the numerous obstacles of living apart, we will really appreciate every moment, every detail, when we finally do live together.
A long time ago, while I was visiting New Orleans, an old gipsy woman read my palm and told me about M. Up to this date, everything she told me came true. But that's another post ;-)
Happy Anniversary Love!
Hola "V"
(Como la serie de la tele!!!)
Gracias por poner tu chincheta, yo tambien me pasare por este rinconcito a ver que pasa...
Las fotos son tuyas?
Me gusta la del edificio amarillo...bueno, y claro el 2 es muy chulo tambien....
Saludos desde Londres
Gracias por tu visita por estas latitudes ibancito. Intento usar fotos mías cada vez que puedo, pero las últimas desgraciadamente no lo son.
Very cute :]
Jo...vaya farde, me has puesto ahí un link "mazodemolón" ...como mola!! ;)
Me alegro de que te haya gustado el blog. Como no sigue ningún hilo, puedes ver los archivos y seguro que descubres alguna fotillo e historieta chulas...y puedes comentar...LOQUETEDELAGANA :)
Ah...y si quieres fotos para tu blog (o pa lo que sea) porsupuestísimo las puedes coger.
Greeeeeetings from London
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