Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Saturday night

We all celebrated M's belated birthday Saturday night. 'We all' meaning M, his entire family (parents, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandmother, sister, nephews), and me. It was nice to see all these generations together around a big table, simply drinking, talking, having dinner. For the first time, I felt comfortable. It was great to be part of this big family, with its history and problems, qualities and defaults. Of course I wasn't able to say everything I wanted, given my limited German. But I did my best. And listened and smiled.

I was however a bit disappointed at M and the way he acted that night. Nothing big, but certainly a side I had never seen and I did not expect. A sort of selfishness. Which he quickly eluded when I brought up the subject. Which is now making me think twice about our temporary solution. Because it implies commitment and big changes mostly for me.


ibancito said...

Muchas cosas muy importantes en muy poco tiempo...¿has probado a correr un poco para desestresarte? :) funciona bastante bien, aunque sólo sea media horita por la noche, te descarga y duermes fenomenal :)

Unknown said...

It's probably quite normal for stuff like this to be arising now, since you're closer to making a bigger commitment and taking steps towards a change in your life (yet again!). I think it's fair you should talk everything out, but i wouldn't panic too much until a few days have gone by.

V said...

Si ibancito, correr despues del trabajo es mi nuevo modus vivendus. Hace maravillas.

Don't worry Uma b. I am not panicking. Not yet at least ;-) Besossssss