Many of you had told me so. And you were right. But I still needed some time off, relaxing and doing as little as possible. Now, after two months of it, I can farely say that I am ready to work again. Or better said, that I would like to start working again. Nothing long-term of course, as the Hannover experience in itself is not long-term, but ideally working on temporary projects and events.
Isn't Hannover known as the city of fairs after all? Well there's an idea right there... I sent my cv this week and hope to be able to start soon. Too bad I was too late for the
CeBIT, which has invaded the city since yesterday!
Hallo V., schön zu sehen, dass es dir gut geht!! Naja, ich denke, auf jedem Fall hast du diese Auszeit gebraucht, um endlich mal zu entspannen... Pero creo que te hará bien volver al terrible ;) mundo laboral. No te conozco, pero tengo la impresión de que eres una persona muy activa, o sea que parece una buena idea. Seguro que encuentras algo interesante.
Mach's gut und geniess' Hannover!!
Schön von dir zu hören Anonymous. Si, necesitaba mi tiempo despues de tanto 'estress' y energia negativa. Pero ya basta! A ver lo que sale ahora...
Bis bald!
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