Is M going to get this job and will we thus be moving soon to the New World? Or will we stay here for a few more months and should I thus say 'yes' to Mrs.Headhunter and her quite interesting yet not perfect job proposal?
Uncertainty is strenous. Yet mine is nothing compared to what my dear friend and her family are going through. I think of you, hope that the operation will be successful, and that everything will turn out ok at the end. I pray that she will be as lucky in her unluck as my Mom.
And she will.
Thank you.
Hallo, V.! A América? Ay, qué envidia...;-)) Ich hoffe, M. hat Glück und bekommt den Job.. Und wenn nicht, old good Germany ist nicht soo schlecht, oder? ;-)) Cuídate y mucha suerte!
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