Next post will probably be written from Germany, so till then, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
Next post will probably be written from Germany, so till then, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all!
But I can't get carried away with joy yet. First things first. Got a gazillion things to do!
I am happy about my decision, of that I am sure. I spent a wonderful weekend in Hannover and felt relieved when I saw all the pieces of the puzzle fitting together. I soon forgot about how nightmarishly my trip had started, when the airline made me pay a fortune for 18 kgs excess baggage, after my 'savior' sat next to me in the plane: a very nice Spanish lady, whose daughter followed the same exact path I am about to embark on. She left everything she had in Spain (job, appt, etc.) to move to Hannover and be with the man she loved. Funny coincidence, right? Or maybe not?
She just came to Madrid for a last visit before my departure. We went Christmas shopping, we saw a terrific expo about the Traces which I definitely recommend, we went up to El Escorial to see Uma b. and the Mountain family, we saw an interesting little Argentinian movie on DVD, and we chatted and talked for hours. And I realised that the roles are starting to change and invert themselves: up to now she was always the one with the answers and I the one asking her questions and her advice. But not so much anymore. Is it because she's more confused now, or rather because she now sees me as an adult to whom she can confide her doubts? I reckon it's a bit of both.
If you ask me, it would be much better for us Non-Americans to adopt and copy the Thanksgiving tradition instead of the much less significant Halloween. And so I will celebrate it tonight in Madrid, with my father, my stepmother and my friend Amélie.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
The concert was fantastic: the sound was perfect, the song selection couldn't be better, and the energy on stage contagious. Chris kept jumping, running, and performing risky yet funny acrobatic moves, as he sang away his oh so beautiful lyrics. He joked, he laughed, and I melted.
I also laughed and jumped and sang and danced, happy to be there, with my school friend Amélie who's visiting for a few days, and extatic about my resignation and the new phase of my life which is just about to start.
I am happy, I feel light and free, excited and a bit scared. It just feels right and I cannot wait to start this new phase of my life. It's time for change. At last.
I am going to Hannover tomorrow; M and I will talk about our options. I have a pretty good idea of how to hasten changes, but I first have to see if M also sees that as a good option. Coming back to my current job after the Christmas holidays is certainly not an option in my book. More on that next week, when I'm back and know more about it myself!
Well, I take that back. I do have something to complain about, as when I attempted to return to Madrid on Sunday evening, Iberia had cancelled my flight. Uhu. Surprise surprise. So after two hours waiting in line at the Iberia Costumer Center desk, where of course only one person was taking care of rerouting all the passengers of my cancelled flight, I was given a cheap hotel voucher, and a boarding pass for the next day. I now have to write a letter to get the compensation I deserve according to my passengers rights, which reads very clearly minimum of 200 euros. Enough is enough, and in this case I really had too much. I hereby solemny vow to never fly with Iberia ever again (unless given no other choice that is.) Iberia, nunca mais!
Last but not least for today's post, tomorrow is the day when we FINALLY get the much expected confirmation about M getting the very perfect sounding job in Zurich for January.... Praying, wishing and hoping as always. Destiny will decide.
So we now have a physical condition caused by travel and experienced mostly when returning home, intensified by climate and season changes, which causes fatigue, confusion, insomnia, irritability, and many other more severe effects.
Yup, that's it. But maybe I should add that is also causes weird and abnormal behavior cause I don't think it's normal I just spent half an hour writing about this, when I am actually swamped at work!
So I can't help but wonder, is it really a simple lack of education?
You're Leggy Bettie...you may be tall or short but either way you seem to make the guys swoon and the girls jealous and girls think of you as a "slut" or "bitch". Again, you're beautiful, they're not...right?
And you?
My point of view changed with the years, and in my mid twenties I started to wish I'd find that special someone with whom I'd have a family and attempt to make it work for as long as possible. Mariage was not on the program even then. I still did not believe in it, at least not for me. Maybe because none of the guys I was with ever made me feel completely and utterly safe or that he was worthy of my blind trust.
All this changed when I met M. As naive as it may sound, I really feel like he's The One for me. Suddenly I want the picture perfect illustration I so vividly reprobated (ok, without the house, garden and dog.) And I will go for it if given the chance, and do my best to make it work for as long as possible. But I will never take it as granted and expected it to last forever. Because nothing is forever. And whenever I seem to be forgetting this verity, I get a reality check. In this case, my dear friend K was dumped by the man she loves and with whom she was finally ready to attempt the 'as long as possible.' It happened to her today, and it can happen to any of us any day, any time, so let's just be aware of that fact.
You kill for revenge.
That is because you have lost something or someone you held very dear. Now you can't seem to get over the loss that marked your soul, and the only solution is to go after the one person who brought all this pain to you. Chances are you are angry inside and you bottle everything up and don't talk to anyone about it. People may want to help, but you think that they can never understand your pain and only get frustrated because of this. But it is important to see all that you have left and be thankful of that even if you have lost something great. It may not be true that Times heals all wounds, but with time and talking about your feelings, maybe the hurt will ease.
Main weapon: Yourself
Quote: "You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories" -Stainslaw J. Lec
Facial expression: Gritted teeth and teary eyes
What Type of Killer Are YOU?
I do know that after a stressful workday and physical exercise, I should be able to sleep. I am exhausted, mentally and physically, but the minute I turn the light off, I toss and turn and cannot find sleep. But my sleeping disorder is old news.
I also know that something is the matter. I almost burst into tears last night, for no known reason.
Friends are falling into depressions, crying for no particular reason, some are particularly edgy. What is in the air these days?
I am however looking forward to something I want to share with you. As our Switzerland job search has not given positive results and our patience to live together is close to running out, (not to mention the fact that I now urgently need a new professional challenge,) we have decided to widen our options. Indeed, we are now looking for any interesting job almost anywhere. Well, actually limited to Europe preferably. And so, we are now waiting for feedback from London, which we should have next week. When positive, we will be in London by the end of September. I realize that the weather is shitty, the city absurdly expensive, the Brits quite special, but I gotta tell you: I love the idea of living there with M for a couple of years. I have always been drawn to London, don' ask me why. Actually if you know me well enough, I think you'll understand exactly why. Additionally, it will be great for both of us at a professional level. All in all I reckon a brilliant idea. Yet unbelievable and at the same time oh so exciting! Most of all something to look forward to.
And so, going back to the main topic of rain, we Madrilians who have been complaining of the complete absence of rain for months now, today we also complain as our plans to go to the pool after work tombent à l'eau (French expression which means fall in the water, i.e. vanish, go to hell.) Never better said.
Needing: to look for job offers and send my cv.
The heat is back in the city. Thankfully my workday ends at 15h with the jornada intensiva (since Monday and until August 31st) which means spending the afternoon at my uncle's pool with M (yes he's back in Madrid for 1 week vacation and yes he has loads of vacation.) The only bearable place to be except for air-conditioned places and home with all the windows and blinds closed (option which would make me look like a vampire instead of having this beautiful tan!)
My uncle lives in a horrible condo building near my office, meaning also in an uncentered uninteresting neighbourhood. However, his horrible building shares a quite nice large pool with two other horrible condo buildings and so I get to use it whenever I want during the summer and I don't need to look like a condom like others. So I need to pretend that I live there as only the residents of the condos are allowed to use the pool area, as they pay for it. The swim guard who is supposed to be checking that is not the problem, he doesn't give a shit. The real guards are the old marujas of the condos (by marujas please understand the bored gossipy housewives) who spend their entire days by the pool, grouped together to better gossip about everyone and everything as they are more frustrated and bitter than ever since their entire families left on holidays without them.
We have been careful and lucky until now, as they have not rightfully accused us of illegally using their pool (even if it is empty except for them and us anyway,) but the truth is that we are always walking on eggshells while there: we make sure to arrive in pool clothes as if we were coming from our condo (by going to my uncle's flat to change beforehand as he too is away on vacation,) we are as discreet as humanly possible and try to make ourselves invisible, we almost whisper as I am sure that they will immediately kick us out if they hear us talking in English, we lay as further away from them as possible, etc. Silly I know, and most probably useless, but I cannot take the risk to be forbidden from the pool for the rest of the long and lonely month of August that awaits me! What on Earth would become of me?!
Not at all how I expected to be asked, nor what I expected to be asked. Which led me to misunderstand him and feel completely disoriented. Definitely a cultural difference. And a very special manifestion of love. I now have no idea what to expect next. Expectations suck.
... in Madrid and its 'youmaycallit' desert heat (even if it has cooled down an itsy bit)
... to being alone: M left today =(
... in the office, as unmotivated as humanly possible
... in the 'waiting' (Mercedes Benz called on July 11th to inform M that they had chosen another candidate...)