Thursday, December 04, 2008
it's that time again

Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Birthday baby
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Emily was an angel the whole trip; she did not complain once during the 11 hour flight to Miami sitting on our lap as no baby basket was provided to us (5 babies in total on the flight!); she came along when we visited houses the entire day, eating, sleeping and looking curiously at everything with no complaint; she started sleeping nights 7 hours in a row during our trip, which is a very big improvement; she slept in her little baby basket the entire flight on the return.
The house; we found a house close to our dream house. It has everything we wanted, i.e. a bedroom for us, a bedroom for Emily, a bedroom for guests, an office, a pool. Everything is new and done with very good taste by the owner's ex husband who is an architect. We're moving in December 9th. I'm pretty sure I'll feel as if I were acting in a Hollywood movie living in such a house for two years.
We were very busy the entire trip and were unfortunately not able to relax and enjoy the wonderful Biltmore facilities or the beach, but truly,
que demande de plus le peuple?Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Look and see trip
Thursday, October 09, 2008
A concept worth copying
You can use the bookshelf anytime.
You can choose a book.
You can borrow it and bring it back.
You can keep it and replace it by another book.
When you like the book so much that you want to keep it a longer time, you can. But when it is really so good, others should also be able to read it.
When you have many books at home that you would like to bring to the bookshelf, then do so. But please only as many that fit in the bookshelf.
When something is broken, please call the following phone number xxxxxxx.
Now, is that great concept or is that an absofuckinglutely amazing concept many cities should copy?
Monday, September 01, 2008
Tia Tambo
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
it could happen after all
Monday, August 18, 2008
She has been sleeping in our bed with M and I ever since then. Nevermind critics and other points of view, I have become a firm believer of all the advantages of co-sleeping. Besides, it feels right. And it will thus continue that way for now.
I am however considering buying one of those co-sleeper cribs that you fix to your own bed, allowing her to be next to me, but giving her - and most importantly us as a couple - her/our own space. It certainly sounds ideal at this point, but our american bed is quite high (70cm!) and finding a european co-sleeper crib high enough seems to be a problem. My actual mission.Friday, August 08, 2008
Life is sweet
Monday, July 28, 2008
one hand and no time
We've had many visits since her birth - my father, my brother, my mother twice, my grand-mother Yaya, without even mentioning the frequent visits of the locals. I am still expecting a few people though.
As for I, I only have one hand these days, the other one holding Emily in my arms (as I believe in the missing fourth trimester as they call it), and no spare time which explains why my last post was already one month ago.
Friday, June 27, 2008
Post Scriptum
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Life with Emily
So much has happened since then. We are both back home since the 7th, M took the following week off which we spent all 3 together, my mother came to spend two weeks to help me, and I have been spending and treasuring every single second with Emily for three weeks now. I can't imagine my life without her, remember what it was like before she came. It's like if she'd always been around.
She had a very calm and quiet first week, and has grown nervous and impatient since her second week, having colics every evening for hours. We are trying everything, Sab simplex drops, the swaddling technique, the cherry pillow, reducing certain foods from my diet, but we haven't found THE magical remedy yet. If there even is one. We probably just need to wait the famous 3 months for it to pass. However, if you know of any other cure, I'm all ears.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
the question is ...
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Let it be
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Any day now
Monday, May 05, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I do my own laundry

Friday, April 25, 2008
Is that normal?
Or at least frequent? Do many future mothers feel that way? Do we women, ever feel ready for the big day? Or is it another of our protective reflexes, like forgetting how painful the contractions were after the birth? Please enlighten me if you can.Tuesday, April 15, 2008
What an adventure indeed!
As M started complaining that I snore very loud and that he couldn't sleep, I immediately rejected the idea and thought to myself that he was exagerating. I don't snore. I never have. I probably just breathe a bit louder because of the fact that my lungs are slightly squashed by the baby. Wrong. I do snore. I suffer from pregnancy-related snoring as they put it. With 30% of other pregnant women out there. There's nothing I can do except pray that it will go away after the birth, and find my husband sleeping in the guest room some mornings in the meantime.
And now that I think about it all, how I started having nose bleeds in the second trimester, how I've become a snorer in the third, how the mere sight of any kind of cream makes me feel sick, how my blood pressure has gone down and I now need to take things slower, how I am so easily out of breath these days, how I cannot walk as fast as I used to, or when I see how big my belly is, feel startled with each baby's move, realize with a mix of fear and expectation that I only have 7 weeks left till she comes out, then I completely agree with K. What an adventure indeed!
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Baltic weekend

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Baby corner

So, as you can see we have the crib (which was leant to us by sus and I simply personalised a bit with some nice Ikea baby stuff,) the changing station, as well as the self-made wallpockets (to organize and store) and the hanging hearts (a ritual I plan to copy from sus: ringing its bell each time the changing of the baby is finished.)
Other than that, we also bought the baby carseat and ordered the stroller, meaning we're doing pretty darn good timewise, I know, but there are still sooooo many things I need to buy/search/make/organize/decide before she comes. And that will happen very soon: only 76 days left, or maybe even less!
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Good excuses
1. Our router decided to stop working last week, meaning we had no internet for approximately a week.
2. I have been quite busy setting up the crib, buying the changing station, as well as sewing several projects I had for our baby girl. I am almost done and promise to post pics of it soon, as I must admit that I am quite proud of myself =)

3. Last but not least, my body is certainly feeling the dreaded changes of the third trimester, as I am starting to feel uncomfortably heavy, stomach sick, insomniac, etc.
Bare with me please.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
back to reality
The vacation however was great. Spending time with my family felt wonderful. We shopped till we dropped with my mother, dined to our heart's and stomach's contempt with my father and his wife, and did a few excursions all together on the weekends such as renting a boat for a day. The return to reality is being quite hard, with the jetlag, the temperature change, etc. but thankfully M was prescribed sick days till the end of the week, so we can slowly readapt together to our normal german life. Don't know if it's all the vitamins I'm taking to fight M's virus, or if she's also jetlagged, but our little girl is doing aerobics in my stomach these days. Let's see if we can get rid of it - it being the jetlag, although getting rid of the aerobics would please me as well - before Nat comes to visit this weekend...
Monday, February 04, 2008
Miami vacation
I am certainly looking forward to being there, and have no doubt I will enjoy every second of this last-vacation-before-the-baby-is-here. See you when we get back!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
May the shopping begin!

Friday, January 18, 2008
Week 20
Anyway, the most important thing of course is that the baby is doing good, which it is, as well as the mother, and I am. Other than the 5 kgs gained in the last 5 months that is. My belly is showing more and more each day, which is obviously normal. A bit more bothersome is the fact that it is not clearly recognisable as a pregnant belly, meaning I just look fat to people who don't know me. Got to get get used to that I guess. Could definitely get used to M's proud and happy father face as he stared at our baby on the doctor's screen. That's also why I asked him to come with me again next week.