Stumbling on a good read is such a wonderful feeling that I need to share it here with you. I ordered "The Kite Runner" on Amazon, along many other books, liking the reviews I read about it. I am now only half way through it, but I am enjoying it so very much, that I find myself riding on a rollercoaster of emotions along with Amir, its main character. I look forward to going to bed each night and reading a new chapter of this wonderful and touching book; looking forward to seeing whether I will shed a tear of laughter or sadness tonight.
What a great feeling that is!
What a great feeling that is!
Glad to see you keep track of the lit section in ambivalence ;)
No, really, you are so going to rave about this book. And, hmm, keep a couple of kleenex at hand.
Lit section in ambivalence?????
Don't worry darling, I have a whole kleenex box at hand ;-)
Ups. I read that post. Completely forgot about it. Alzeihmer already???
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