Thursday, May 19, 2005

Majoring in 'Patience'

Life certainly seems to enjoy playing with us, don't you think? I was always very bad at being patient for example, and life sure has been trying to teach me that great strength these past years. I guess I havent' mastered it yet (even if I firmly believe I have much improved) because I keep getting these obstacles right in my face which test my patience on a daily basis.

Some years ago, I was dying to leave the States and come back to Europe. Well that took me 24 months and as I was only at 'patience 101' that wait was hell for me.

Some months ago, I started a serious relationship with someone I had fallen for. As he happened to live thousands of kilometers away and still does, our 18 month relationship was and is still spent earning bi-monthly Star Alliance and One World miles. Level 200 of the Patience major successfully passed.

And now of course, as we decided to live together, thus moving and looking for jobs in Switzerland, I seem to have unwillingly registered to the advanced level of Patience. The hardest one by far.


Anonymous said...

I know this is not a very original thing to say, but just try to remember that "la paciencia es la madre de la ciencia" ;-). ,Yes, a bit hackneyed but very true!
Everything's gonna be allright, you'll see.

I like your weblog...;-)

V said...

Well thank you for the proverb anounimous