Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Apaguemos todo - On éteint tout

APAGUEMOS TODO: Jueves, 1 de febrero, de las 19h55 a las 20h00 Participa en a la mayor movilización ciudadana contra el cambio climático! La alianza para el planeta, agrupación de asociaciones medioambientales, hace un llamamiento sencillo a todos los ciudadanos, 5 minutos de descanso-tregua para el planeta: todos apagaremos nuestras velas y luces el 1 de Febrero, de 19h55 a 20h00.

No se trata solo de ahorrar 5 minutos de electricidad este día sino de llamar la atención de los ciudadanos, de los medias y de aquellos que toman las decisiones sobre el despilfarro de energía y lo urgente que es pasar a la acción! 5 minutos de descanso-tregua para el planeta: no es mucho tiempo, no cuesta nada y eso mostrará a los candidatos políticos a las próximas elecciones de 2007 (en Francia y en España) que el cambio climático es un tema que debe tener peso en el debate político.

Porque este día 1 de Febrero? Ese día se publicará en Paris el nuevo informe del grupo de expertos en cambios climáticos de las naciones unidas. Aunque este acontecimiento tendrá lugar en el país vecino, no debemos dejar pasar esta ocasión de poner el foco sobre la urgencia de la situación climática mundial.

Si participamos todos, esta acción tendrá peso mediático y político, ¡apenas unos meses antes de las elecciones!

Contacto / Información: Les Amis de la Terre (los amigos de la tierra): Tel. 00 33 1 48 51 18 95 o en internet:

ON ETEINT TOUT : jeudi 1er février de 19h55 à 20h00 participez à la plus grande mobilisation des citoyens contre le Changement Climatique ! L'Alliance pour la Planète (groupement d'associations environnementales) lance un appel simple à tous les citoyens, 5 minutes de répit pour la planète : tout le monde éteint ses veilles et lumières le 1er février 2007 entre 19h55 et 20h00.

Il ne s'agit pas d'économiser 5 minutes d'électricité uniquement ce jour-là, mais d'attirer l'attention des citoyens, des médias et des décideurs sur le gaspillage d'énergie et l'urgence de passer à l'action ! 5 minutes de répit pour la planète : ça ne prend pas longtemps, ça ne coûte rien, et ça montrera aux candidats aux élections législatives de juin 2007 que le changement climatique est un sujet qui doit peser dans le débat politique.

Pourquoi le 1er février? Ce jour là sortira, à Paris, le nouveau rapport du groupe d'experts climatiques des Nations Unies. Cet événement aura lieu chez nos voisins : il ne faut pas laisser passer cette occasion de braquer les projecteurs sur l'urgence de la situation climatique mondiale. Si nous y participons tous, cette action aura un réel poids médiatique et politique, quelques mois avant les élections !

Contact / information : Cyrielle, Les Amis de la Terre : 00 33 1 48 51 18 95

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I need to make choices. I simply cannot go on like this, waiting for it to happen, it being anything that will take me to the next phase of my life. Where to next? My choices are limited and none of them is perfect.

Should I focus on my career and look for a new interesting challenging job? Even if that means moving again, going back to a situation similar to Madrid, seeing M only on the weekends? Not exactly how I had envisioned my married life. And it does feel a bit like going backwards, throwing away what was achieved in the last year. Should I then prioritize my couple, stay in Hanover and recycle professionally, i.e. forget about my career, my experience, and do something totally new? Or should I rather fulfill my desire to have a child, although being in Hanover and living only on one salary is far from the perfect setting? Ni puta idea. I feel completely lost.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

New Record

I am quite sure I broke a new record here. 12 days. Not a record to be proud of, certainly not, but it is actually better this way. It did not work out and it would have never worked out with his unrealistic expectations: 4 days to come up with a full market study and 10 for a full company strategy. Who is he kidding besides himself? There is only one thing we agreed on. Today. Ça ne colle pas. And so off I am, in the search of a job again.

Don't worry, I'll be fine. It's not a little gallego machista who is going to destroy my self-confidence and make me doubt about my skills. I know what I am worth and I will find something worth of me.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


It is happening

My intention was to write about the alarming global warming of our planet. But I've decided to share this article sent to me by Uma b. instead. Yo, estoy acojonada. It is happening. Now. And we better all react and do something about it. Now. For those interested in the topic, do watch Al Gore's film "An inconvenient Truth".

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Getting old

We were invited to dinner at my friend's Sus last night, to finally meet the four of us and se mettre à la page after the holidays, my new job and what not. Of course baby Gabriel was also present, although he only participated by sitting on his daddy´s laps and emitting a few iamworkinghardonmydigestion sounds from time to time. He is, thankfully for my friends, a very good and quiet baby boy and we were therefore able to dine and chat at our leisure. The delicious Portuguese red wine kept flowing generously, proud Daddy F wanting to celebrate his son´s 2 month birthday como Dios manda. Even his best Grappa ended on the table at coffee time, but for the record, only our men touched it.

The evening was lovely, and we headed home at a decent hour, or so I thought. Going to bed at one in the morning and working the next day had indeed never been a problem in the past. But it was today, as I suffered from a hungover and lack of sleep at the office. I clearly remember drinking much more, sleeping much less and being absolutely fine the next day not so long ago. My alcohol tolerance has definitely diminished consequently. I am getting old.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Research baby!

My first "project" at work consist in researching the mobile market. I am therefore spending my days on the web - returning home with cube eyes as my hubby loves to say- searching for all kind of reports, studies, products, and services. Ideas if you will. And sometimes, I also stumble on something which completely grabs my full attention although having nothing to do with my research, thus providing me with a few minutes of break. Among my many discoveries today, I would like to share with you the chalkboard fridge, the catwalk, and the litter box hider. Simply because I will paint/build/purchase all those three items for the new apartment we are inches away to buy!

Oh, and if you wonder how on earth I landed on those webpages during my mobile market research, well, better don't ask! ;-)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

New year new outlook

It has been way too long since my last post, but what can I say: did not have the time nor the desire to write until today. Simply because I did not know where to start, as so many things have happened in the last month. So in as few words as possible: my Cuban trip was good but Cuba itself highly disappointing since my last visit, I spent Christmas in Switzerland and the equation lack of snow+ holiday crowd made skiing hard impossible to enjoy. Yup, that's all I want to say about it for now. Because my brain is slightly drunk with new everythings (ideas, names, people, projects, passwords, responsibilities, and I could go and on for paragraphs) as I sit in my office on my second day of work. I think am pretty sure I will love my new job.

PS: Happy New Year 2007!!!!!